Thursday, 4 August 2011

Day 9 - The Fan Racer comes to Life!

Morning All,
 Today I am building the first FanRacer, and photographing it at each step so I have something to work with when producing the instruction sheets. However, along the way I would like to  look at possible ways of replacing the supports with something else, though it was suggested by Scott that asking the kids to think of possibilities could be a good way to get them being creative :D So anyways, I shall be making my FanRacer and listing modifications later on! 

Afternnooon :)

Hello again, I am back!! Well i found a way to make the can stop rolling, I have added 'insect leg' supports! Basically the supports run the full length of the can, then come off at an angle to keep the fan at the back counterbalanced. (Theyare called insect supports because the FanRacer now looks like a Fly haha, perhaps I can rename it...any suggestions, let me know!)

So as I was making my modifications, I tried wheels, and skis, but I found using pens as skis made the Racer too heavy to move, and wheels as previously stated didn't rotate, though Scott did suggest I try and solve that issue, it may be a future project. 
Also, as I went through I have photographed each stage meaning that I now have instructions(Though they need to be edited) and photographs for my worksheet, meaning I can design my next worksheet when I work from home next week!

So anyways, Here is a video of the FlyBot No. 1! (Yes, it is now called FlyBot!)

Soo... plans for tomorrow:

  • Look at designing a prototype for the 13-15 project, based on the design I have done, though I can see I may want to make some changes to make it more exciting!
  • Possibly start the worksheet for the FlyBot, though it depends on how quickly I complete the prototype for my other project.
Killafist: Signing Off!

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