Wednesday 27 July 2011

Day 3 - Designing

 So far today, I have been having a think, and I have made a list of things that me PicassoBot needs. They are as follows :

  • The legs need either to be more stable, or shorter.  As the length of the legs effects the pattern drawn, making them shorter  may affect the functionality of the Bot. A possible solution for this would be to add supports between the legs, similar to that of the Eiffel Tower. This creates a stronger structure and minimizes chances of capsizes
  • The weight used on the motor to make it unbalanced needs to be much bigger, as the Bot barely moves at the moment. Therefore, using a one bladed propeller with blue tack attached should be a viable possibility.
  • I also have been considering things needed for the worksheet for the PicassoBot. Therefore I have designed a template for the main body of the PicassoBot, which can be printed in different sizes depending on the sizes of the straws being used. The body can be made from anything, though card would be the most obvious choice, as it is sturdy and easy to cut. Here is the template design I made this morning :

  •  The dotted lines represent the location of the battery pack, and the full lines represent where the design would be cut.

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